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Bitterley C of E  Primary School

Eastnor Parochial Primary School

Inspire and Achieve. ‘Do Everything in Love’ (1 Corinthians 16:14)

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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

"Eastnor has an inclusive learning environment where all pupils are valued and their successes celebrated." SIAMS Inspection Report 2018

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities 

The staff at Eastnor Parochial Primary School are committed to providing care and education to all children, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).


A child has special educational needs if he or she has difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for him or her to learn than most other children of about the same age. Some children will need extra help and support during some or all of their time with us.


At Eastnor Parochial Primary School we offer a broad and balanced curriculum within a rich, stimulating and caring environment, which is inclusive of every child and celebrates individual achievements, where every member is valued and respected.


We promote high expectations of the individual and encourage each child to reach their full potential, supporting those who find learning difficult and challenging the most able children, across all aspects of the curriculum and the life of the school. We endeavour to inspire a positive approach to life and learning and engender a sense of belonging through strong relationships between school, home, Church, Eastnor Estate and the wider community.


Mrs Kahlia Laws is our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo).


If you have any concerns about your child or their progress, it is helpful to chat to their class teacher in the first instance. If you wish to speak to Mrs Laws, she can be contacted via or by calling the school on 01531 632509, so that she can discuss what support we can put in place to meet your child's needs and enable them to fulfil their potential. 

Eastnor Parochial Primary School Policy

Herefordshire Local Authority Local Offer 

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