Friday 17th June 2022
The Eastnor Express
"To Inspire and Achieve"
Summer Term Diary Dates (Covid restrictions permitting)
Monday 20th June – End of Year Performance Dress Rehearsal at JMHS
Monday 20th June – End of Year Performance Evening 6pm at JMHS
Tuesday 21st June – End of Year Performance Matinee 1.30pm at JMHS
Tuesday 21st June – End of Year Performance Evening 6pm at JMHS
Thursday 23rd June – Class 3 – Lifepath
Friday 24th June - JMHS Year 5 Taster Day
Tuesday 28th June – Sports Day
Thursday 30th June - Pyramid Prom
Thursday 30th June – Rounders Tournament
Friday 1st July - Summer Walk
Friday 1st July - Monday 4th July - Isle of Wight Class 4 Residential Trip
Thursday 7th July – Year 6 day at JMHS
Friday 8th July – Final Attainment Reports Home
Wednesday 13th July – Leavers Disco 5.30 - 7.30
Thursday 14th July – Eastnor Adventure Day
Friday 15th July – Leavers Day Out
Wednesday 20th July – Leavers Service
Wednesday 20th July – Last Day of Term
Summer Production
The children have all been practicing their lines, dances and songs for next weeks production of Oliver. They are all so excited to show you all that they have been working on. Children can wear comfortable home clothes for the practice on Monday. and sensible shoes to practice on the stage. There will be soft refreshments available for you to purchase before the start of each show.
Monday 20th June – End of Year Performance Dress Rehearsal at JMHS
Children need to be dropped off at JMHS by 9.30 and picked up at 2.45pm. We are not allowed in the car park outside these hours, but there will be a member of staff there from 9.00am if you have to drop off earlier and can walk in.
Children need to bring their costumes with them to change into, unless they are with their class teacher who will bring them.
They need to bring a water bottle and their lunch if they aren't having a school lunch
Monday 20th June – End of Year Performance Evening 6pm at JMHS
Park in the main car park and there will be Eastnor staff to direct you to the theatre.
Children need to be dropped off at JMHS from 5.30pm. Please can they arrive in their costume. The show should finish about 7.15pm but we will update you if any different after the dress rehearsal.
Tuesday 21st June – End of Year Performance Matinee 1.30pm at JMHS
The children need to come to school in school uniform, but bring their costume with them to change into before the performance.
After lunch we will transport the children to JMHS by coach.
The children need to be picked up from JMHS from 2.45pm but before 3.00pm.
If you are coming to watch the matinee please park in JMHS car park and a member of Eastnor staff will direct you to the theatre.
Tuesday 21st June – End of Year Performance Evening 6pm at JMHS
Park in the main car park and there will be Eastnor staff to direct you to the theatre.
Children need to be dropped off at JMHS from 5.30pm. Please can they arrive in their costume. The show should finish about 7.15pm but we will update you if any different after the dress rehearsal.
If you have any problems dropping off or picking up, please let us know.
Pupil Voice
Class 1 - Sammi. I was sharing my trains equally with Mani.
Class 2 - Edie. I was really proud of how much I wrote.
Class 3 - Eva: I knew so much about volcanoes before we even started our new topic and I am really proud of myself.
Class4 - Lilly: I was really proud of my work on fractions this week.
Reading Raffle Winners
There were many reading raffle tickets given out across the school this week! Raffle tickets are awarded to those children who read 3 or more times during a week. A child from each key stage is then selected at random and, as our reading champion of the week, they get to choose a book to take home.
Our winners from this week are pictured below. What a fantastic achievement.
We know many of you are busy and the children have lots of other things to work on outside of school however, we can't stress enough how important it is to their reading and writing development that they read often.
Well done to those children who received raffle tickets this week. Keep up the fantastic reading, as not only will you be in for a chance of winning the raffle next week but you are helping yourself to become a confident and competent reader!
Eastnor School Summer Fair
Last Sunday, the sun shone down onto Eastnor cricket pitch helping to make the Eastnor Summer Fair a wonderful event. There was dancing, craft stalls for children to get creative at, a coconut shy, hook a duck, a bouncy castle and assault course, local trades people with beautiful handmade items for sale and lots of delicious food including burgers , cakes and ice creams. All coming together to make this a wonderful Eastnor school family event.
A huge thank you to the P.T.A. for organising such a fantastic and successful summer fare and thank you also to all the parents, grand parents, family and friends who attended.
Class 3 Success!
The children in class 3 have been having great success in sporting events recently.
Matthew has completed stage 3 in his swimming lessons.
Molly competed in a One Day event, where she had to complete a dressage test, cross country and show jumps. on her pony and she came second in her class
George, Ralph, William and Ollie winning the trophy for Ledbury Swifts Under 9s at Ledbury Football Tournament on Sunday.
The boys played 5 matches, winning 4 of these to reach the semi finals. The semi final ended in a penalty shootout- Ollie was the goal keeper and made some excellent saves. The score in the final was 2-0 to Ledbury. The boys played brilliantly throughout the tournament.
Well done all of you, we are very proud of you!
Sports Day and Family Picnic
Sports Day will take place on Tuesday 28th June. We will return to our usual format this year, which is outlined below.
Children will need to come in their school PE kit for Sports Day, but should also wear a splash of colour to represent their house.
Sports Day will begin with a rotation of games and activities from 10.30am at the Cricket Club. The children will have a short break at 11.30am to recharge their batteries. Races will then take place between 12.00-12.40pm.
As a change from the last sports day, there will be a family picnic lunch, followed by the cup presentation at 1.30pm. This will conclude the afternoon and children can go home with you after the final presentation if you are able to come.
We hope you will join us for this special day - which is a celebration of all that being part of Eastnor Primary School is about!
Rounders Tournament at John Masefield
This morning, some children from Class 4 represented Eastnor at a rounders tournament at John Masefield. They had a great morning in the sunshine saying, " It was a fun, friendly experience to meet other schools and play rounders with them!"
The children played four matches against Ashperton A and B, Cradley and Colwall. There were some super fielding and batting skills on display; well done to all children involved!
Father's Day
This afternoon we were all pleased to spend some time in our beautiful church celebrating Father's Day together.
Each class performed a lovely song in honour of their Dads and father figures. It was a lovely atmosphere in church and all of the children performed beautifully with the help of Mrs West, our fantastic singing teacher.
The children had also all made special Father's Day medals and some children read these out in church, sharing all of the reasons why they appreciate all that is done for them.
We would like to thank the families who joined us in church and wish all Fathers, Grandfathers and important role models a Happy Father's Day if they are celebrating.
A Midsummer Night's Dream at Malvern St James
On Thursday afternoon, Years 4 and 5 were lucky enough to be invited to attend a performance of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' at Malvern St James.
It was a fantastic afternoon and the children really enjoyed the show. The set and costumes were beautiful and we were all so impressed with the quality of singing and acting on display.
The children were familiar with the story, having read it as a core text with Mrs Tart but this was a fun and unusual take on a classic.
Huge thanks go to the team at Malvern St James and Emma Aris for inviting us and for providing transport to Malvern.
A cool and shady play time!
For lunch time play today, due to the heat, staff took the children to the Lime Avenue to find some shade.
Julian had kindly brought some lollies in to cool the children off and they had a lovely time sat in the shade along the avenue.
We will continue to ensure that on hot days the children stay safe and happy in the sun.
Please ensure that children come to school prepared for sunnier days with water bottles, caps and sun cream.
Class 2
Class 2 have had a hot and fiery start to the final half term!
The children have loved learning about the Great Fire of London and last week in History, we learnt about why the fire spread so quickly. To see this in action, we made houses and created a mini London placing the houses close together. The weather was a perfect example of what it had been like then too – hot with a warm wind blowing. The children then watched as our mini London went up in flames. It was an excellent display of how fire can flare up and spread so quickly. In our Forest school session, we talked about a spark from Thomas Farriner’s bakery starting the fire and some of us got to practise creating a spark using a flint and steel.
In our English lessons, we learnt about writing a diary entry. The children wrote diaries about their half term week away from school, before we travelled back in time to read Samuel Pepys’ and John Evelyn’s diaries about the Great Fire. We noticed how the language was slightly different to how we would structure our sentences and we worked out the meaning of their words together. We role played being in the Great Fire and our friends guessed what we were miming. We have some very talented actors in Class 2! We then wrote a diary entry as though we were in the Great Fire.
Our Maths lessons last week were on shape. We went shape hunting in school and at Forest school, we described the properties of hidden shapes and made 3D shapes using play dough and cocktail sticks, exploring the number of vertices and edges in the 3d shapes we were making. This week we have been collecting and presenting data in statistics. We have used tally charts and pictograms to show the number of coloured sweets in our pack.
In DT, we have begun to learn about mechanisms, in particular, wheels and axles. We have explored lots of wheeled toys and thought about how they work. We are working towards designing and creating our own moving vehicle over the next couple of weeks.
Mrs Dawe keeps telling me how impressed she is with the PE the class are doing. Alongside the physical skills they are learning, they are really developing their team work and negotiation skills too.
Our Music specialist, Hannah, is also really impressed by the children’s ability to learn songs so quickly and sing them so well. The songs from Oliver are quite tricky, but Class 2 are pretty much word perfect for their song and Ben has helped to choreograph a dance ready for the show!
As always, the children have been so enthusiastic and it is such a pleasure to see them loving learning, growing and progressing. Well done Class 2- you are amazing!
House Point Totals
Castle - 3013
Deer Park - 3059
Land Rover - 3047
Obelisk - 3046
Pupil of the Week Awards
Mia for being so helpful and working hard. Amazing,
Year 1
Elsie for a fantastic diary about the great fire of London. Fantastic!
Year 2
Lilly for always being so enthusiastic to learn and always trying hard. Well done!
Year 3
Harry WH for his fantastic work in science this week looking at forces.
Year 4
Ralph for his amazing work this week in PE.
Year 5
Charlie Mitchell for excellent work in Maths this week. Well done!
Year 6
Jaiden Cale for working hard in swimming and making such fantastic progress. Well done!
Headteacher Award
Edwin for being a gentle, kind and caring friend. Well done Edwin.