Friday 20th May 2022
The Eastnor Express
"To Inspire and Achieve"
Summer Term Diary Dates (Covid restrictions permitting)
Friday 27th May - Queen's Platinum Jubilee Party
Friday 27th May– Last day of Summer 1
Wednesday 8th June – Team Photos
Thursday 9th June – Phonic Screening
Sunday 12th June - PTA Summer Fair
Monday 13th June - Friday 17th June - Year 4 Multiplication Check
Thursday 16th -JMHS Year 5 Information Evening
Friday 17th June – Father’s Day Celebration 2.30pm
Monday 20th June – End of Year Performance Dress Rehearsal at JMHS
Tuesday 21st June – End of Year Performance Matinee 2pm at JMHS
Tuesday 21st June – End of Year Performance Evening 6pm at JMHS
Thursday 23rd June – Class 3 – Lifepath
Thursday 23rd June - JMHS Year 5 Taster Day
Tuesday 28th June – Sports Day
Thursday 30th June - Pyramid Prom
Thursday 30th June – Rounders Tournament
Friday 1st July - Monday 4th July - Isle of Wight Class 4 Residential Trip
Thursday 7th July – Year 6 day at JMHS
Friday 8th July – Final Attainment Reports Home
Wednesday 13th July – Leavers Disco
Thursday 14th July – Eastnor Adventure Day
Friday 15th July – Leavers Day Out
Wednesday 20th July – Leavers Service
Wednesday 20th July – Last Day of Term
Pupil Voice
Class 1 - Mani "I sorted the shapes into the right groups and I knew that one of the shapes was called a cube."
Class 2 - Evelyn. I was proud of my writing.
Class 3 - Tyler - For getting in the pool on my first swimming lesson. I enjoyed it a lot.
Class 4 - Charlie C I am proud of my History work about the Ancient Greek gods. I am enjoying learning about the Ancient Greeks.
Reading Raffle
There were many reading raffle tickets given out across the school this week! Raffle tickets are awarded to those children who read 3 or more times during a week. A child from each key stage is then selected at random and, as our reading champion of the week, they get to choose a book to take home.
Our winners from this week are pictured below. What a fantastic achievement.
We know many of you are busy and the children have lots of other things to work on outside of school however, we can't stress enough how important it is to their reading and writing development that they read often.
Well done to those children who received raffle tickets this week. Keep up the fantastic reading, as not only will you be in for a chance of winning the raffle next week but you are helping yourself to become a confident and competent reader!
School Lunches
This term is always a busy one with lots of exciting things happening.
Lunches need to be ordered for the first week back by Friday 27th May.
They are now live on Parentpay.
Please take note of the following dates:
Thursday 23rd June - Class 3 only - Lifepath Trip - Not to book any meals & they need to bring their own packed lunch.
Friday 24th June - Year 5 day - JMHS – Year 5 not to book any meals.
Friday 1st July - Res trip - No meals class 4.
Monday 4th July - Res trip - No meals class 4.
Thursday 7th - Year 6 - JMHS – Year 6 not to order any meals.
Friday 15th July - Year 6 leavers day out - Not to order any lunches.
The club selection lists are attached to the Parentmail today. Please choice and pay for your clubs as soon as you can.They are now live on Parentpay.
Some of the clubs are limited on numbers, so may fill up quickly.
KS1 Secret Agent Training AKA KS1 SATs.
The Year 2 children this week have been really excited to take part in their Secret Agent Training. They have read stories and answered questions to show their understanding and have also shown off their arithmetic skills. On Monday, we will complete one final test on shape, space, measures, problem solving and reasoning. The children have wowed me with their resilience and determination to solve the questions and puzzles. They are truly amazing! Well done Year 2s.
Guide Dog Visit
This week the school were lucky enough to meet Guide Dog puppy raiser Liz and her Guide Dog puppy Jovi. Liz and Jovi talked to the whole school about the process of training a Guide Dog and what Jovi must do in order to become a fully qualified Guide Dog. Jovi and Liz also visited the children in KS1 where the children had the opportunity to use some of the equipment blind and visually impaired people use to make their life easier. Pouring a glass of water was very tricky but using a liquid level indicator, which makes a loud noise when the level of the water is close to the top of the cup made it much easier. The experience offered a real insight into what life is like with a visual impairment and it was wonderful to see the huge impact having a Guide Dog has for these people.
A huge thank you to Liz and Jovi for taking the time to come and visit us and we wish Jovi all the success on his journey to becoming a guide dog.
Queens Jubilee Celebrations
We are all looking forward to celebrating The Queen's Platinum Jubilee in school next week.
Alongside lots of fun and creative activities, we will be holding a very special Jubilee Party on Friday afternoon.
After a discussion with all of the children, they voted that they would like to dress in red, white and blue for the day.
Please could you send in some treats .suitable for us to share at our Jubilee celebration.
Any questions please pop in and see Mrs Tart
Class 3
Class 3 are working so hard and surprising us every day with the knowledge and effort that they put in to their learning.
In Maths we have been working hard learning our times tables in readiness for the Governments Times Tables Test. We are using what we have learnt to help us to understand money and decimals. We have been estimating and rounding to work out some very tricky problems. Our 99 club provides great excitement each week and the children are all making fantastic progress.
Our English work has been based on our class text 'The Wizards of Once' which the children are thoroughly enjoying learning about. Alongside our SPaG work we have written biographies about Cressida Cowell and researched all her amazing achievements. We have looked at the setting and characters in our class text and made up our own using adventurous vocabulary.
In our foundation subjects this week we have had lots of fun whilst learning lots of new things. In history, we learnt about the culture of the Anglo-Saxons whilst looking at the story of Beowulf. Within music, we listened to some Jazz and learnt about this history of this musical genre. In PE, we have looked at how when we play basketball we are only allowed so long on the ball as well as starting our new sport of cricket. The ECC has kindly let us use their facilities. We had lots of fun investigating what is magnetic and what is not, in our science lesson this week. In Art, we have made pictures using weaving which everyone enjoyed. Our Re lesson this week was all about the way that God and Jesus wanted us to treat people, we looked at the gospel which tell us this. We learnt some new words in French for objects that we would find around the classroom.
House Point Totals
Castle - 2765
Deer Park - 2820
Land Rover - 2800
Obelsik - 2799
Pupil of the Week Awards
Ellery for always being kind and caring to others.
Year 1
Elsie for amazing hard work and progress in English and Maths.
Year 2
Freya for fantastic handwriting - super effort.
Year 3
Benji for his fantastic maths work. Well done!
Year 4
Ruby for her amazing setting description. Super work!
Year 5
Joseph for showing such excellent behaviour and attitude in all lessons. Amazing!
Year 6
Grace for an excellent effort in her Science work on planets this week. Well done!
Headteacher Award
All Year 2 children for doing their Secret Agent Training this week, also known as SATs. You were amazing and worked so hard to show off your knowledge and skills. Well done. We are very proud of you.