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Bitterley C of E  Primary School

Eastnor Parochial Primary School

Inspire and Achieve. ‘Do Everything in Love’ (1 Corinthians 16:14)

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Friday 6th May 2022

The Eastnor Express

"To Inspire and Achieve"


Summer Term Diary Dates (Covid restrictions permitting)


Monday 9th – Thursday 12th May – KS2 SAT’s Week

Friday 13th May – Tag Rugby Tournament

15th to 21st May - Christian Aid Week

Wednesday 18th May – Guide Dog Visit – Class 1 and 2

Thursday 19th May – Guide Dogs Assembly

Thursday 19th May – Swimming starts for Year 3 and Year 6

Friday 27th May – Last day of Summer 1

Wednesday 8th June – Team Photos

Thursday 9th June – Phonic Screening

Sunday 12th June - PTA Summer Fair

Monday 13th June - Friday 17th June - Year 4 Multiplication Check

Thursday 16th -JMHS Year 5 Information Evening

Friday 17th June – Father’s Day Celebration 2.30pm

Monday 20th June – End of Year Performance Dress Rehearsal at JMHS

Tuesday 21st June – End of Year Performance Matinee 2pm at JMHS

Tuesday 21st June – End of Year Performance Evening 6pm at JMHS

Thursday 23rd June – Class 3 – Lifepath

Thursday 23rd June - JMHS Year 5 Taster Day

Tuesday 28th June – Sports Day

Thursday 30th June - Pyramid Prom

Thursday 30th June – Rounders Tournament

Friday 1st July - Monday 4th July - Isle of Wight Class 4 Residential Trip

Thursday 7th July – Year 6 day at JMHS

Friday 8th July – Final Attainment Reports Home

Wednesday 13th July – Leavers Disco

Thursday 14th July – Eastnor Adventure Day

Friday 15th July – Leavers Day Out

Wednesday 20th July – Leavers Service

Wednesday 20th July – Last Day of Term


Pupil Voice

Class 1 - Ella “I made puddings by mixing the blue and yellow and adding apples.”

Class 2 - Mable " I enjoyed researching wild flowers in science and finding out the differences between plants in my garden.

Class 3 - Ruby ‘I am proud of my charcoal drawing because I’ve never done it before in my life’

Class 4 - Naomi "I was inspired to draw my still life picture because I had brought special things in from home"

Reading Raffle Winners

Many reading raffle tickets were given out across the school this week! Raffle tickets are awarded to those children who read 3 or more times during a week. A child from each key stage is then selected at random and, as our reading champion of the week, they get to choose a book to take home.


Our winners from last week are pictured below. What a fantastic achievement.

Well done to those children who received raffle tickets this week. Keep up the fantastic reading, as not only will you be in for a chance of winning the raffle next week but you are helping yourself to become a confident and competent reader!

KS1- Elsie


KS2- George



Young Voices


On Tuesday, children from key stage 2 were extremely excited to attend the Young Voices concert at the Resorts World Arena in Birmingham. This year was the 25th anniversary of Young Voices and it was a fantastic show, in which over 5,000 children sang and danced their hearts out. After the disruptions caused by Covid, it was a much anticipated trip and we are so pleased that we were able to take part this year.


Having worked hard to learn the songs with Mrs West, the children were so excited and represented the school beautifully. The sight of 5,000 children joining together to sing and dance was breath taking and the atmosphere in the arena was one of joy, hope and togetherness.


After arriving at the arena and having some lunch, the children were led in rehearsals by the fantastic conductor David Lawrence. The afternoon went by in a flash and before they knew it, it was show time.


All of the children sang beautifully and really enjoyed the performances. They were lucky enough to be joined by some amazing acts, such as singers Ruti and Natalie Williams, as well as The Beatbox Collective and Urban Strides dance group. It really was an amazing day and the children (and adults!) enjoyed it so much.


Many thanks go to the parents who came to watch and for the support of the staff, who gave up their time to ensure that the children could take part in this superb event.

Tag Rugby

On Thursday, we took a group of pupils to play in a couple of friendly rugby matches against Ledbury Primary School. The teams, which were made up of pupils in years 4, 5 and 6, put on a fantastic performance and showed some fantastic rugby and team work skills. Their hard work and dedication over the last few weeks definitely payed off and impressively both teams won their games. Well done to those that played, and as always every pupil represented our school with pride, showing their Eastnor and sporting values.



PTA Summer Fair



The Rec in Ledbury

We had a very special visitor in class 3 today. Julia Lawrence, from Ledbury Council came to talk to the children about the redevelopment of the Rec. Julia wanted to ask the pupils what equipment they would use and what they would like to see at the Rec moving forward. She proposed 3 ideas to the pupils, which they debated and spoke about before casting a final vote which will be put forward to the council.


It was such a wonderful opportunity for the children to be involved in the decision making process and we all look forward to the redevelopment of the Rec site and seeing some of our discussions being brought to life.



Could the next Ledbury Carnival Princess be amongst us?



Class 1


What a fantastic two weeks back at school we have had. The children have thrown themselves back into their learning and have impressed both Miss Fisher and Mrs Layton with their determination, hard work and perseverance.


In Literacy we have begun exploring our new class text “The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark”. We have discussed what a chapter book is and how this is different to our previous class texts and have begun to explore the first chapter “Dark is exciting”. We have come across lots of new vocabulary such as downy, dusk and knackety and it has been wonderful to see the children use these new words in their learning.


As mathematicians we have started to explore numbers to 20 and it is safe to say the children have impressed me beyond words with their counting and ordering. Over the coming week we will secure our knowledge of these numbers before we start to think about addition and subtraction within 20.


PE lessons have taken an exciting turn this term and we are now working on team games. The children are focusing on their team work skills and their sportsmanship by celebrating when others win and always trying their best even when things can get a bit tricky. The addition of “start of the session” awards mean the children who show these fantastic sport values are celebrated and congratulated for their achievements.


During our expressive arts and design time we have started to explore painting, thinking carefully about how different tools can be used to create different marks. We have also thought about how the pressure we use when using these tools can alter the end product. We also thoroughly enjoyed creating our own instruments out of junk modelling and thought carefully about how we would play each instrument. We are moving on to think about the different musical instrument families and how they all work together as part of an orchestra.


In RE we have enjoyed sharing the special places in our lives and talked passionately about why these places were special to us. We will begin to think about the different types of special places in different faiths and begin to think about why these places are special to them. The children, as always, have shown respect and sincerity when talking about different peoples opinions and beliefs and it is so wonderful to see the children showing such enthusiasm, whilst learning about faiths and people whom are different to them.


As always forest school remains a firm favourite and the children have been busy spotting the signs of Spring whilst problem solving, communicating and working as teams to overcome challenges. The care and consideration they show to both nature and wildlife is outstanding and we can often see woodlice being relocated so they don’t get stepped on and habitats and bird feeders being created for all creatures great and small.


We can’t wait to see where our learning will take us this half term!



House Point Totals

Castle - 2567

Deer Park - 2562

Land Rover - 2585

Obelisk - 2581


Pupil of the Week Awards


Jacob for his thoughtful comments about the Christian Faith in R.E this week.

Year 1

Evelyn for a super effort with your reading.

Year 2

Isabel for her fantastic observational drawing of her bear.

Year 3

Matthew for his fantastic art work based on The Wizards of Once.

Year 4

Molly for her amazing work in history this week looking at Anglo-Saxons.

Year 5

Alex for producing some amazing art work for our Core Text display this week. Well done!

Year 6

Izzy for excellent analysis of poetry in English this week. Well done!


Headteacher Award

Grace in class 2 for always being ready to learn and for being an amazing friend.