Religious Education
The aim of Religious Education at Eastnor Primary School is to inspire children to ‘do everything with love’ (Corinthians 16:14) primarily through the teachings of Christianity as well as learning about and from other faiths and world views. Love is at the heart of all that we do here at Eastnor Primary School. We believe that through the value of love every person will feel secure and happy enabling them to flourish. Through the value of love we can inspire children to live life to the full through love, respect, forgiveness and stewardship, inspiring to and achieving their fullest potential. Our Christian vision captures the school’s commitment to provide a nourishing education which is deep and broad, inspiring our children with a love of learning and responsible citizenship.
We teach our RE Curriculum based on the agreed syllabus provided by Herefordshire's Local Education Authority, embedding the resource ‘Understanding Christianity’ with the key purpose of supporting pupils in developing their own thinking of Christianity as a contribution to their understanding of the world and their own experience within it.
We also highly value the study of a variety of world religions and use key RE today multifaith units to support with this. In developing links to other schools in England and across the world, we aim to promote an attitude of appreciation and understanding through increasing children’s knowledge about other beliefs, values and religious practices. Trips and visitors are highly encouraged for children to gain genuine and personal experiences and opportunities which otherwise may not be available in their daily lives.
‘Courageous advocacy’ is a trait we wish to develop uniquely in all children and understand each individual’s journey is distinctive and personal to them. At Eastnor we believe all individuals are entitled to ‘experience, reflect and grow’ from all opportunities in order to develop their spirituality. We aim to provide opportunities for all members of our school community, everyone valuing their sense of place and role in making the world a better place, committed to helping one another through the value of love. Our curriculum enables children to look within and beyond themselves and develop a sense of global citizenship by the time they leave in year 6. In embracing difference in our curriculum we encourage understanding, respect and celebration of difference and diversity.
At Eastnor we value and appreciate the local surroundings of our school and through our curriculum, we have embodied the beautiful Eastnor church into our daily routine, finishing the day as a whole school with collective worship. Community and unity is at the heart of our school ethos and family members, old and young are always welcomed to join us for moments of celebration.
At Eastnor we encourage cross curriculum teaching, whereby children experience an understanding of how learning links across a range of subjects. The teaching of RE also contributes significantly to the teaching of English in our school by actively promoting the skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening.