Friday 13th May 2022
The Eastnor Express
"To Inspire and Achieve"
Summer Term Diary Dates (Covid restrictions permitting)
15th to 21st May - Christian Aid Week
Wednesday 18th May – Guide Dog Visit – Class 1 and 2
Thursday 19th May – Guide Dogs Assembly
Thursday 19th May – Swimming starts for Year 3 and Year 6
Friday 27th May – Last day of Summer 1
Wednesday 8th June – Team Photos
Thursday 9th June – Phonic Screening
Sunday 12th June - PTA Summer Fair
Monday 13th June - Friday 17th June - Year 4 Multiplication Check
Thursday 16th -JMHS Year 5 Information Evening
Friday 17th June – Father’s Day Celebration 2.30pm
Monday 20th June – End of Year Performance Dress Rehearsal at JMHS
Tuesday 21st June – End of Year Performance Matinee 2pm at JMHS
Tuesday 21st June – End of Year Performance Evening 6pm at JMHS
Thursday 23rd June – Class 3 – Lifepath
Thursday 23rd June - JMHS Year 5 Taster Day
Tuesday 28th June – Sports Day
Thursday 30th June - Pyramid Prom
Thursday 30th June – Rounders Tournament
Friday 1st July - Monday 4th July - Isle of Wight Class 4 Residential Trip
Thursday 7th July – Year 6 day at JMHS
Friday 8th July – Final Attainment Reports Home
Wednesday 13th July – Leavers Disco
Thursday 14th July – Eastnor Adventure Day
Friday 15th July – Leavers Day Out
Wednesday 20th July – Leavers Service
Wednesday 20th July – Last Day of Term
Pupil Voice
Class 1 - William - I used the triangles, squares and hexagons to build a train.
Class 2 - Seren - I am proud of my subtraction in Maths. I tried really hard.
Class 3 - Joe- I am proud of my biography and how much I wrote.
Class 4 - Joe K - I worked so hard on my homework and it's the best I've ever done.
Reading Raffle Winners
There were many reading raffle tickets given out across the school this week! Raffle tickets are awarded to those children who read 3 or more times during a week. A child from each key stage is then selected at random and, as our reading champion of the week, they get to choose a book to take home.
Our winners from this week are pictured below. What a fantastic achievement.
We know many of you are busy and the children have lots of other things to work on outside of school however, we can't stress enough how important it is to their reading and writing development that they read often.
Well done to those children who received raffle tickets this week. Keep up the fantastic reading, as not only will you be in for a chance of winning the raffle next week but you are helping yourself to become a confident and competent reader!
SATS Success and Celebrations!
All of the children and staff would like to say to the Year 6 children a huge "Well done!" on their SAT tests this week. Whilst it will be a few weeks before we know the results, all of the adults who have taken part in the examination process have seen each and every one of them trying their very best. Thank you also to the parents and families for supporting the children and staff this week by ensuring that they have all come to school on time, with a smile. Also a huge thank you to all of the adults in school who have either been involved in the invigilation process directly or have supported the other children in moving around school quietly during the tests. As ever it has been a whole team effort to ensure the children have been as fully prepared as they could be and that they receive a smile, cuddle and encouraging word from the adults around them each day. Our Christian value of endurance has never been more prevalent and the children have all risen to the challenges set for them with courage, determination and strength. Well done Year 6. We are extremely proud of you all.
Rugby Success
We had a wonderful and successful day at Ledbury Rugby Club. On arrival, the two Eastnor teams got straight into action with a game between the two teams to get them warmed up.
The tournament began with children playing in groups of 4. Both teams made lots of tries and had some great fun in doing so. One team finished in 2nd place and went through to the plate tournament whilst the other team finished 3rd and played the bowl tournament in the afternoon.
The 'bowl' match team played Much Birch, Highnam, and Bosbury. Unfortunately they didn’t win, but scored 13 tries in these games and lost by only 1 try. The rugby they played was amazing and the progress they made from the start of the day was great to see.
The team playing for the plate, had matches against Much Birch, Gorsley Goff’s and Lea. They played some amazing rugby, demonstrated teamwork and fantastic communication. They managed to score 16 tries and win all 3 games, meaning that Eastnor won the plate!
It was great to see the enjoyment and smile on faces all day. Well done to everyone involved and thank to parents for helping and supporting the children. .
Rags 2 riches collection.
The PTA’s next Rags2Riches clothing collection is fast approaching and we thought it important to mention that any donations received for this collection will not only help to raise money for our school but also be sent to help the humanitarian support for families in Ukraine.
The date of collection is Tuesday 14th June.
Class 2
What a super start to the summer term for Class 2!
We have had a visit from Paddington bear in which the children had the opportunity to ask him the question sentences that they had written for him. We found out where he had come from, what he ate on his voyage to London and how he felt when he was sat on Paddington station. We have been reading the class text really carefully to practise our comprehension skills and we have also found a variety of wonderful words such as ‘hesitate’ and ‘mysteriously’, to wow our word wizard!
In maths, the class have been revisiting and practising all aspects of arithmetic. We have thought about ways to add, subtract, multiply and divide and found a way that works for us each to work more independently.
The children have been keen to learn more about our history focus on the ‘Great Fire of London’. We started by trying to guess what the ‘Great Fire of London’ was and then we have been history detectives finding out what London would have been like in 1666, comparing buildings and transport to what London is like now.
Our Art work has been sculpture and the children all used wire to make superhero figures. They found it quite tricky to manipulate the wire and bend it just how they wanted it to be. With a bit of help and teamwork we all managed to produce a wire sculpture of a superhero. We have also looked at emojis and facial expressions and practised drawing different emotions.
Mrs Dawe has been so impressed by our hard work and skills development in PE and our teamwork has also been evident at Forest school, where we have been working together on our digging area, building dens, cutting back nettles and observing the nature in the Forest school area.
In Music, we have been creating soundscapes for different types of environments. So far, we have created a soundscape for the seaside and the countryside. RE has also focussed us on our surroundings as we have been considering the question, ‘Who do Christians say made the world?’ This has inspired some really thoughtful and interesting discussions among the children.
Well done, Class 2 for continuing to work so hard and making the most of all the learning opportunities you have. It is a pleasure to spend each day learning together.
House Point Totals
Castle - 2659
Deer Park - 2740
Land Rover - 2680
Obelisk - 2673
Pupil of the Week Awards
Ella for her enthusiasm and effort in her learning this week.
Year 1
Daniel for amazing problem solving and reasoning in Maths. Fantastic!
Year 2
Amanda for amazing progress with your reading. Well done.
Year 3
Alfie for his amazing math skills this week. Well done!
Year 4
Ralph for his biography of Cressida Cowell. Great work!
Year 5
Oscar for super thinking when considering the legacy of the Ancient Greeks. Well done!
Year 6
Dominic for excellent work on some tricky binary code in Computing this week. Well done!
Headteacher Award
To all of the Year 6 children for giving 100% in your SATs tests this week! You are amazing!