Class 3 (Year 3&4)
Welcome to Class 3
Welcome to Class 3, where our unique, creative and conscientious children, work together to achieve our ambitious goals!
We love learning and always make sure that we try our very best each and every day. This is the children’s first step into KS2 at Eastnor and we build on their learning from KS1 and encourage children to make links within and across curriculum areas enable them to know more, remember more. We follow the Lower Key Stage 2 part of the National Curriculum, alongside our core text, which we change termly.
In Class 3 we love to learn about the past, looking at a wide range of historical topics, such as exploring the last 100 years of Ledbury, the settlements from Stone Age to Iron Age and how different life was in Tudor Times.
We also love to explore the world, examining the United Kingdom, naming and locating counties and cities. We travel through Antarctica, using our compass and mapping skills to explore and row down rivers and learn how they were formed. The world around us helps us to learn about respect, exploring diversity and human rights within British Values.
We are inquisitive scientists, who explore scientifically; learning about sound and exploring light through shadows. We look at the world around us investigating Animals Including Humans, looking at the digestive system and teeth and how they are different in animals and humans
Alongside each of our wonderful topics, we enjoy many enriching opportunities as part of a busy curriculum. We annually take part in Hereford's Performing Arts Festival, work regularly with the Ledbury Poetry Festival and attend musical events, such as the Young Voices. We also take part in lots of sporting events and activities.
The children in class 3 are always ready to learn and make the most of any opportunity that they are presented with. Furthermore we teach children to become courageous advocates and question the world around them. We encourage children to debate and respect others, so they can ‘Know more, Remember more’.
Mrs Tart and all of class 3
Class 3 Curriculum Map - Autumn Term
Children in class 3 are set homework weekly on our homework page on Seesaw. They are set on a Wednesday to be completed by the following Tuesday. Activities include multiplication practise, TT Rockstars, reading and comprehension activities alongside foundation subject activities.
Children are also expected to read as often as possible at home and to share their books with family members. Short bursts of reading regularly will build confidence and help them to become more fluent when reading.
We work on spelling patterns in class which are often set as homework to consolidate the children’s learning. We also look at the common exception words for year 3 and 4.
We love seeing the creative ways that children represent their learning by sharing videos, models and photos of their projects.
PE is enjoyed throughout the year and children in class 3 enjoy learning through various different ways with our PE specialists, Mrs Dawe and Mr Marchant.
There lessons take place on a Wednesday and Thursday afternoon