Friday 1st July 2022
The Eastnor Express
"To Inspire and Achieve"
Summer Term Diary Dates (Covid restrictions permitting)
Friday 1st July - Monday 4th July - Isle of Wight Class 4 Residential Trip
Thursday 7th July – Year 6 day at JMHS
Friday 8th July – Final Attainment Reports Home
AMENDED DATE Wednesday 13th July – Eastnor Adventure Day
Wednesday 13th July – Leavers Disco 5.30 - 7.30
Friday 15th July – Leavers Day Out
Wednesday 20th July – Leavers Service
Wednesday 20th July – Last Day of Term
Pupil Voice
Class 1 - "We are all really proud of ourselves for trying our hardest at Sports Day and supporting each other."
Class 2 - Josh and Amanda were pleased with their teamwork in producing a fact file about Peru.
Class 3 - Heidi and William G- For working together to learn about weather forecasting.
Reading Raffle Winners
There were many reading raffle tickets given out across the school this week! Raffle tickets are awarded to those children who read 3 or more times during a week. A child from each key stage is then selected at random and, as our reading champion of the week, they get to choose a book to take home.
Our winners from this week are pictured below. What a fantastic achievement.
We know many of you are busy and the children have lots of other things to work on outside of school however, we can't stress enough how important it is to their reading and writing development that they read often.
Well done to those children who received raffle tickets this week. Keep up the fantastic reading, as not only will you be in for a chance of winning the raffle next week but you are helping yourself to become a confident and competent reader!
KS2 Ruby
Rounders Success
We had a fantastic day on Thursday at Bosbury for cluster schools rounders matches. We began in a group with Bosbury Blue, Ashperton and Ledbury. Scoring a total of 22.5 rounders and only allowing the three schools to score 13 against us, which included a strong performance against Bosbury winning 10-1.
As we finished second we were through against the other group winners, which were Bosbury Red. We fielded first and only allowed them to score 5 rounders. In our reply we racked up a total of 6.5 and won the game and got through to the final.
In the final we played against Ashperton and once again fielded first and when it was our turn to bat, we had to get 5.5 to win. It all came to the last ball of the innings, with Ben needing to get a rounder to win, and after some discussion we agreed that the game would end in a draw.
It was a fantastic effort from all that played, showing sporting and Eastnor Values.
Summer Walk
Class 1, 2 and 3 set off on our annual Summer walk this morning with a light drizzle in the air. However, this didn't dampen our spirits as we made our way around Eastnor Castle lake spotting different kinds of wildflowers, birds and insects. We had a change of venue due to the festival in the deer park but all the children really enjoyed our walk and we finished with a run around in the grass valley before heading back to school for lunch. Thank you so much to Lauren Fisher, Naomi Horsfall and Miss O.S. who came along to help us.
Sports Day and Family Picnic
What a wonderful morning of sports on Tuesday, when the children were all able to take part in a range of sporting activities. There was an array of challenges including many physical skills such as throwing, catching, skipping, running, jumping and more. All children took part and tried hard and it was wonderful to see a great sporting attitude with many encouraging, congratulating and cheering their friends on. Many thanks to the Mrs Dawe and wonderful John Masefield pupils who led the activities and made the day run so smoothly. Thank you also, to those parents who were able to attend and were able to withstand the cold wind!!
Tile art project
On Wednesday, we were lucky enough to welcome Chloe from Glazydays into School. After a whole school assembly, introducing our theme for the day as 'a city of flowers' inspired by the book 'The Flower by' every child then had an opportunity to showcase their artistic talent by designing a ceramic tile. It was so lovely to see the children's individuality come through and Chloe commented on how artistic all the children in the school were. The tiles will now be glazed and then displayed at LakeFest.
Your child tiles will also be their entry into a LakeFest organised competition which will allow them the chance of winning a family pass to LakeFest. Make sure you're following the LakeFest Facebook page for more information.
Pegasus Under 10s
Here for Herefordshire Holidays
‘Here for Herefordshire Holidays’
FREE summer holiday activities are now available to book!
If you are a parent or carer of a school aged child 5 to 16 years old
(Reception to year 11) who is eligible for benefits-related free school meals,
You can now book up to 64 hours of free activities throughout the summer holidays.
This summer we have a huge range of activities to take part in; drama workshops, outdoor activities, forest school, football, clay pottery, rugby, music workshops, cooking, day trips, animal care, swimming, biking, circus skills, climbing, inflatables, racket games, gym, dance, martial arts, SUP and so much more. Your child will also receive a free nutritious meal during each session. Some providers are able to offer provision for children with SEND or additional needs.
Book now by visiting our Talk Community holiday activities webpage:
Places are limited and will be allocated on a ‘first come first served’ basis.
We understand children aren’t always able to attend booked activities, however,
We would kindly request that children are cancelled off the session via the booking system to enable others to attend.
The activities are only available to children who are eligible for benefits-related free school meals and checks will be made to ensure that children meet this criteria.
If you have a question about the ‘Here for Herefordshire Holidays’ Programme, please contact the team:
The Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme has been funded nationally by the Department for Education.
You can find out more by visiting the HAF2021 website:
Ledbury - Strömstad Twinning Association
Ledbury - Strömstad Twinning Association
Family Fun Event
Join the Celebration of Twenty Years since Ledbury was Twinned with
Strömstad in Sweden
Saturday 2 July 2022 2.30 - 5.00 pm
Ledbury Recreation Ground
Dance Around a Swedish Midsummer Pole and Meet Our Swedish Visitors.
Bring a Picnic (This Area is an Alcohol Free Zone).
Craft Activities for Children and Giant Games.
Football Fun by Ledbury Swifts Under 18 Girls Football Team.
Ledbury Community Choir: Performing a Mix of Party and Swedish Songs.
The Poetry Takeaway: Ledbury Poetry Festival will be serving high quality, personalised poetry to diners, written, performed and wrapped up to takeaway.
Contact the Secretary on: 01531 635129 07531 311 991 or for more information.
Pyramid Prom
A huge well done to Frankie, Molly, Thomas and Lorna who made up our very small but extremely good choir at the Pyramid Prom. They were so brave performing 'Consider Yourself' from Oliver on the stage in front of a very large audience. Lorna played a solo beautifully showing off her amazing piano playing skills and said afterwards 'I loved it'. Well done all of you, Eastnor school are very proud of you.
Class 3
What a busy few weeks it has been in Class 3! The children continue to impress me with their enthusiasm and superb attitude to their learning, particularly as the school year draws to a close.
In our English lessons we have continued to learn about the characters and magic in The Wizard of Once. The children have written their own version of a magical story, making up their own characters and settings. We are currently learning how to write a shape poem, using the words to make the shape of objects from our core text. Alongside this the children have looked at the story and used their comprehension skills to unpick the story.
In our Maths lessons we have looked at time and how to convert between hours, months and days, we then learnt how to use a 24 hour digital clock, looking at lots of different types of timetables. We.are now looking at how to use and interpret data, using a range of methods, including line graphs, tally charts and bar charts. The children have used fluency, reasoning and problem solving questions to deepen their understanding. All of the year 4's successfully completed their times table tests and we are very proud of all of their results.
We have had lots of fun learning in the afternoons in Class 3 over the last few weeks with our foundation subjects. In Science, we have been carrying on investigating all about magnets and forces, finding out how magnets can make electricity and a current. The children really enjoyed using the magnets and finding out all about forces. In Art we have been looking at craft by making a mood board as well as using paper to discover how to weave using lots of different styles and colours. We started our Design and Technology topic which we will be making a pneumatic system, the children have created some great plans and can't wait to make them in to working models. Within our music lessons we have been looking at Jazz, it has really captured the children's imagination. We have been listening to different jazz musicians and making jazz music. The children have learnt all about fruits in their topic in French, looking at how we say and write a variety of fruits in French. Within RE we have been looking at the world and how Jesus wanted it, this has started some very in-depth conversations in our lessons. In computing we have been finding out about the weather which included how the weather is predicted using sensors and computers, they have had great fun designing a weather station. The topic for PSHE has been Safety and the changing body, within this the pupils have looked at the internet, how to be safe online and is the internet reliable, as well as looking at how we grow up.
What a busy few weeks, we are so proud of you all.
House Point Totals
Castle - 3201
Deer Park - 3320
Land Rover - 3198
Obelisk - 3187
Pupil of the Week Awards
Jacob for always trying your best and independently working on challenges.
Year 1
Hana for showing wonderful sportswoman ship at sports day. Well done!
Year 2
Millie for her amazing memory and wonderful ideas for story writing. Well done Millie!
Year 3
Ben R for his fantastic attitude in PE this week.
Year 4
George for his all round attitude and effort towards his learning.
Year 5
Lilah for showing such super sporting values on sports day!
Year 6
Charlie for being helpful with the children in class 2 this week.
Headteacher Award
Izzy In class 4 for always showing the school’s Christian Values in everything that she does.